From la Ville Rose (Toulouse) to the City of Life (Würzburg)
Hi , my name is Frederik Beister. I´m 20 years old and I´m passing an european volontary service in Toulouse. For quite a while I´ve been following the "friday for future" protests for climate rescue and I´m deeply touched by them. Afterall, it cocerns our future.
I want to play my part in climate rescue. Though, I think complaining only does not help to progres. If one wants change he has to act for himself. Consequently I wonder:
« How exactly can I contribute myself ? » and « How can anybody contribute ? »
I finally drew the conclusion that I want to show the advantages of bikes as innovating and ecological means of transport. The establishment of my volontary service is called Maison du Vélo. It is a social association which is promoting bikes as the future mean of transport. But in my point of view bikes cannot be the future means of transport.They have to become present means of transport right now.
Beside the ecological points bikes have even more undeniable advantages. In particular the low purchase and maintaining costs. Together with walking by foot and e-mobility it seems to present the only logical way of locomotion of our time.
I want to prove this statement!
As a result I aim to do my return to Germany by bike once I have completed my social service. The distance between Toulouse and Würzburg, the town I am studying in, is about 1300 kilometers. Normally one would accomplish this distance by bus, train, car or plane. However, I want to give it a try by bike. As a result, I am going to leave at the central station of Toulouse « Gare Matabiau » and head to Würzburg main station on Monday, 18th March 2019.
If anybody is interested in the project he is very welcome to join me on the way. I am happy for company.
Just text me! My mail is fot@beister.de.
la depeche Toulouse